Spain and Strain
Something about me that changed since last year was the fact that I've stopped drawing so much. Last year, due to the influence of a friend, I drew a lot during class (yes, when I should have been listening). I drew all sorts of things. Eyes, meaningless scribbles, book cover fan-art thingy, anime characters, dresses, landscapes. Pencil, watercolours, coloured pencils - I used anything I could get my hands on. Even marker pens and chalk.
This year, I felt I've grown a lot in art. I'm fiddling with Photoshop, and now I'm better at it. But recently I just drew something from my imagination that made me really proud.

I owe the title - Paloma - to a friend of mine. It's Spanish for "dove", and seeing this really does remind me of a bird. Ignore the etxt at the bottom. Somehow I just really like to add the title of the work in with Photoshop. Just... please tell me it looks like a leaf.
Maybe I'll post some of my other - probably pathetic - drawings up.
Now that's the Spain part. The Strain part, now...
Exams are coming.
Exams + unwillingness to study + Bones addiction + writing junkie = strain. (Hey! My Maths improved!)
Anyway, I discovered that drawing really calms me down. To see my hand move across the paper and the shapes slowly start to make sense - it's as good as rereading the favourite part of a book. I love seeing the images I dream up in my mind come on paper. But the problem is that I can only draw when I have that "drawy feeling". But recently, my friends have been bombarding me with requests to draw anime characters, hence the other strain...
Now I can't get the lyrics from If I Die Young out of my head. Wouldn't it be funny if I actually wrote those words out when I had to write an essay for the exam?
Then again, maybe not.
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